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Patron of Symposium, Member of the European Parliament
Cristian-Silviu BUŞOI

Lecture "Institutional Relations as a Resource"

We are honoured that Mr Cristian-Silviu BUŞOI is the Patron for our Fifth Symposium.  He will speak on institutional relations as a resource.

Cristian-Silviu BUŞOI is a Member of the European Parliament and the Chair of the Industry and energy committee of the EU Parliament. Mr. Busoi was and is a prominent Member of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety of the European Parliament and of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy, being responsible of important files, such as the EU4Health Programme, Horizon Europe, Health Technology Assessment, the Research Fund for Steel and Coal, the Methane Strategy.

In 2019 he became the Chair of the Industry, Research and Energy Committee and the EMA contact person of the European Parliament. Positions regained in early 2022. The highlights in the field of health for this current term are the EU4Health Programme as a separate stand-alone and robust financed instrument and the co-chairing of the COVID Contact Group.

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Jungian analyst
Dmytro Zaleskyi

Lecture "Psychodynamics in wartime dynamics"

Identity, ethics, transference in wartime through the prism of psychodynamic processes. Awakening of the "Gods", the Jungian perspective.

"Who has not lived in the midst of a storm is not aware of the price of strength" Lesya Ukrainka

During a war, an in-depth transformation of an individual takes place. A war compels a physical change in the therapeutic space as a result of the patient’s and/or the analyst’s evacuation, transition to the online mode.  The national and professional identities deeply change and develop. New aspects of the ethical position and political beliefs are revealed. Gender relations transform with men (analysts and patients) mobilizing themselves or becoming "invaders." Against the background of a long-term psychodynamic therapy, these changes may outpace transferential dynamics. These changes may occur at different pace for the analyst and the patient, and sometimes they may develop in opposite directions. The author shares his observations on the dynamic processes taking place in the analytical space during the war.

Dmytro Zaleskyi, psychotherapist, Jungian analyst, he is the first President of the IAAP Development Group in Ukraine. In 2010 he became the first individual IAAP member in Ukraine, in 2015-2016 he was mobilized to serve in the Armed Forces of Ukraine as the chief of the medical service of a battalion. One of the founders of the Ukrainian Association of Analytical Psychology.  He works in private practice, conducts tactical medicine trainings, and is engaged in volunteering.

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Positive psychotherapist
Gabriela Hum

Lecture "No War within Ourselves – the Relation with Oneself during Crises"

“And once the storm is over, you won’t remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won’t even be sure whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm, you won’t be the same person who walked in. That’s what this storm’s all about.” Haruki Murakami


Ultimately, in times of war one has him/herself and the relationship with self. This relationship is deeply influenced by the unique circumstances and experiences of each individual, as well as their personal values, beliefs, and coping mechanisms. It's a complex and multifaceted journey that often involves profound challenges, and also opportunities for resilience and self-discovery. While war is undoubtedly a harrowing and destructive phenomenon, it's important to recognize that in the midst of the darkness, there can be moments of light and opportunities for growth and transformation regarding the relation with oneself. 


Gabriela Hum is a clinical psychologist and positive psychotherapist in private practice. She is an international trainer and supervisor for Positive Psychotherapy, President of the Romanian Association of Positive Psychotherapy and member of WAPP Board of Directors (World Association of Positive Psychotherapy).

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Associate professor
Khrystyna Turetska

The presentation examines the psychoanalytic concepts of the transmission of trauma to the next generation. The clinical vignette shows how the trauma is encapsulated and manifested in the patient's psyche. The study includes how the ability to mentalize is disturbed as a result of transgenerational trauma, and how this is reflected in the features of the patient's imagination. The report shows how war reactivates transgenerational trauma. 

Khrystyna Turetska - PhD Psychology, Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology and Psychotherapy Ukrainian Catholic University (Lviv, Ukraine), Psychotherapist of the European Association of Psychotherap

Lecture "Transgenerational Transmission of Trauma and its Reactivation in Wartime: a Case Presentation"

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Diplomate in Adlerian Psychology
Ramona M. Covrig

Lecture "Love as a Guiding Light in Times of War: Refuge and Source of Strength"

In the middle of destruction and uncertainty, love becomes a refuge, a warm and gentle reminder of humanity and the values that define us as humans. In the heart of wars, people often find the power to love deeply, profoundly, to share precious moments, and to support each other in unexpected ways. Love during wartime can become a manifestation of human resilience and our ability to find light where darkness persists. Love can be a force that inspires people to remain confident in the future and to fight for peace and enlightenment. Love can be a spark that ignites hope in people's hearts and encourages them to look beyond conflicts to a time when love and understanding will ultimately prevail. Love during wartime can be a beacon of hope and a force that unites people amidst chaos.

While conflict may separate people, love can be that force that brings them together and motivates them to fight for a better future.

Ramona M. Covrig is a Diplomate in Adlerian Psychology, a trainer/supervisor, and a couple psychotherapist in private practice. She is Founder and Chair of the Institute of Adlerian Psychology and Psychotherapy. Additionally, she serves as the Vice President of the Romanian Federation of Psychotherapy and President of the European Certification Commission for Psychotherapy (Romanian Federation of Psychotherapy). She has numerous publications.

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Academic consultant
Vibeke Lubanski

Lecture “The Importance of Trans-national Relationships in the Time of War”

In March 2023 at the EAP board meeting a small group of European psychotherapists met with representatives from Denmark, France, Kosovo and Poland. We decided to do something together in order to support our colleagues in Ukraine in the time of war. Together with Ukrainian colleagues we formed the project “European Room for Listening”. Every last Wednesday since June 2023 we have had an open space for sharing and listening to each other – the psychotherapists inside of Ukraine and the psychotherapists outside of Ukraine. I look forward sharing the learnings from this online-relationships at the symposium.

Vibeke Lubanski, Head of Secretariat in the Danish Association for Psychotherapists since 2018.  Educational background: Master of Social Science and East European Studies 1999. Family therapist 2015.  Right now an active member of the EAP working group European Room for Listening.

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